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Englisch server side latency compensation

21 Antworten
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alt Re: server side latency compensation

Admin On Online

I think I read this article several months ago. I didn't find the time to care about it yet. Maybe it will be implemented later.

michaeldawee: more PUBLICITY because of that? LOL!

alt Re: server side latency compensation


Well... michaeldawee is right to an extent...
People from different continents will be able to interact more, and people with mediocre internet will be able to play the game more easily.

I believe that one of the reasons that new CS2D players stop playing quickly is that they have no chance against someone with lower latency. From my personal experience hosting a server, I have seen countless new players (who do not know how to lead shots) come into my server with >200 latency and become highly frustrated because they can't hit anyone. These players leave the server after one or two rounds... and possibly stop playing CS2D because of their latency disadvantage.

alt Re: server side latency compensation

Moderator Off Offline

Players should play in server with latency lower than 100
Yes, two choices:
1. Stop playing CS2D.
2. Go in other server with lower latency.

alt Re: server side latency compensation

User Off Offline

I totally agree with CS:2D player, FlooD. I have been playing CS:2D since CS:2D beta Please have focus of making CS:2D better latency compensation. If you do this, I would gladly play CS:2D for the rest of my life (seriously). Having to do this, challenges clans all over the world and face each other the other side and not worry about latency advantages and disadvantages.

Your CS:2D customer,


alt Re: server side latency compensation

User Off Offline

Blazzingxx hat geschrieben
Players should play in server with latency lower than 100
Yes, two choices:
1. Stop playing CS2D.
2. Go in other server with lower latency.

1. I'm not sure what it's like in Europe, but let me tell you this.
Telling someone to stop playing CS2D is like telling a long-time customer of a certain store to fuck off and buy the certain merchandise at another store...
Now, maybe this is a terrible example, but think about it. Can you think of any game like CS2D that has the exact same top-down shooter? Free? This game is unique. It isn't like the other copies of CS (such as crossfire, Sudden Attack, Combat Arms etc etc.)

2. Lets many servers in America that have less than 100 ping. Hmmm... 3!
So lets not take a "NotDoingAnything" approach to make CS2D a better game.

alt Re: server side latency compensation

Admin On Online

@Riotrip: that's not completely correct. you still have very unfair delays. when player a (ping 20) and player b (ping 400) shoot at the same time, then player a's shot will arrive at the server after 10 milliseconds (1/100 second) and the shot of player b will arrive after 200 ms (1/5 second). this is a huge delay which makes high pings so unfair.

player a can probably completely kill player b with this ping difference before player b even sees that his enemy attacked him.

so this is only about making aiming fair. it doesn't kill the delays. playing with high ping differences is always unfair. and a ping of 300 or more is always a no go in fast multiplayer games. no chance.

alt Re: server side latency compensation

User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
I think I read this article several months ago. I didn't find the time to care about it yet. Maybe it will be implemented later.

michaeldawee: more PUBLICITY because of that? LOL!

Yes, actually. Who wants to play a game where when you aim at a person, you miss every shot?
You would probably think the game was fucked up and go on to a different.
I'm a thinker.

alt Re: server side latency compensation


DC, you're argument is valid, but keep in mind that an average human's reaction time is roughly 200ms. And in-game, the reaction time increases to roughly 300ms due to all the distractions present.

Ask any player experienced in high latency about why high latency is a disadvantage. Is it because latency adds to their reaction time, or is it because it is difficult to aim?

@Relapse + Blazzingxx: Chill out... I don't want to get this topic locked for flame.

alt Re: server side latency compensation

Moderator Off Offline

Don't worry, it's very good improvement for CS2D.
But I said, it won't solve high latency delay problem.
Players will still stay lagging.

alt Re: server side latency compensation

User Off Offline

@DC: Actually...
The M4A1 (in this game) takes about 6 shots to kill which is about 3/4 of a second (or 750 ms)
Plus if you strafe, the other player will miss.
So even so, the player with 400 ping might still win anyways.

alt Re: server side latency compensation


Actually, it was DC who first mentioned the latency delay problem... lol

But as I have said, this "problem" isn't nearly as significant as the aiming problem. In CS2D, it takes six shots (assuming perfect accuracy) from an m4/ak to kill an enemy with full health and armor. In practice, it takes around half a clip to get 6 shots to hit... which takes about 1.5 seconds (1500ms). For comparison, a typical latency of 150ms is only 10% of 1500ms.

Of course the situation is different when one has low health, but in such circumstances, one should not be messing around in open areas anyway

alt Re: server side latency compensation

Admin On Online

I just wanted to make clear that this technique is about unfairness in aiming only and that it does not solve all problems with high latencies (which is not possible of course).

I know that it is still very important to make the game more fair for people with high pings.

but again: a ping of 400 is rather unplayable because the delays are too high. human reaction time doesn't matter that much because the latency time ADDS to this reaction time. (assuming a reaction time of 300 ms: 320 ms for a ping of 20 vs 700 ms for a ping of 400 for a whole action->reaction process with server->client->server communication)

this was just a simple example. maybe I was talking about a double zoomed awp shot?!
(btw: there is another user using your IP, TheLetterP, and this IP seems to be static. what is going on there? only one account per person is allowed)

alt Re: server side latency compensation


I guess the delay problem isn't very noticeable until latencies of >250.

On the other hand, the aiming problem is in fact noticeable at latencies as low as 80...

So DC, could you think about adding some form of experimental compensation in the next one or two cs2d releases? and perhaps a server option to turn the compensation on or off?

alt Re: server side latency compensation

User Off Offline

@DC: Oh sorry, I'm using a new computer and I accidently erased all my passwords. It turns out that the email with my password in it was lost because it was put into the spam part, so it was deleted
however, i sent back an email to get my password back but i never apparently received it...maybe I somehow ended up using another email?
I definitely believe we should try the Server Lag Compensation. After all, it is much needed in CS2D as of now anyways...
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