
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Basic Roleplay extended V1.3
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English Basic Roleplay extended V1.3 >

149 comments232 kb, 4,148 Downloads

old Basic Roleplay extended V1.3

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Hello people,
This is my first uploaded script, hope you enjoy it.

The script is set to fit to file cs2d City life by Misho v1.5 .and file cs2d Smiley City.
With the unique map choice system, you can have 3 maps to switch between from.

To install this script,
1. Download the file.
2. Unzip it and move the files to your cs2d.
----Make sure the file sys matches the file sys in your cs2d folder.
3. Cover every file in your folder.
4. Go to sys/lua/IF/admins.txt. Edit the file using your usgn.
--For example 12345 1 ,"12345" is your usgn,"1" is your level(max 3 lowest 1).
5. Go to sys/lua/IF/roleplay.txt. Edit the file if you want.
6. To give players Vip, please edit the vip.txt
type in the vip player's usgn.
7. Run cs2d and tata it is installed!

The lua contains functions of,
∗ Money and drop system.
∗ Save position and teleport.
∗ Instant equip.
∗ Car mode.
∗ Add-ons.
∗ VIP system.
∗ CT wall hack.
∗ Say tag and join message.
∗ God mode.
∗ Ct commands
∗ License system
∗ Server options
∗ Speed mode
∗ Usp bring gun.
∗ Glock heal.
∗ Machete bomb.
∗ Multimap sys
∗ Build menu

Ct commands with full flexibility:

You are able to change the ability of different admin levels.
!m <id> <amount> --money
!s <id> <speed> (-100 ~ 100) --speed
!k <id> --kill
!ban <id> --ban
!i <id> --info
!a <id> <cell> --Arrest
!f <id> -- Free
!ct <id> --Make Ct
!b <id> --bring a player
!bringall --bringall players
!h --spawn medic
!g <id> --goto a player
!kick <id> --kick

More >

Me for making it.
King Arash ( add-on script )
user Starkkz (Original script)
Claim your rights if I sampled any of your lua.

Quite laggy when bot is added(not sure if it is for the script).
Msging system.
Lag in drop sys.
Pm me if you spot any bug.

Next update:
More >

More >

× You may not re-upload.
× You may not edit hooks.lua and functions.lua
√ Use on your server.
√ tell me your opinion.

Thank you for downloading.
Please always check for updates.{Actually I'm not playing this game anymore}

I given everyone the rightful credits,nothing is stolen. Laurence is a asshole and a hacker, trying to ruin everything i make.
edited 24×, last 27.04.12 06:21:28 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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232 kb, 4,148 Downloads


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User Off Offline

I see only one idiot!
very nice script!
I like it!


User Off Offline

Very idiot!
need update to more t commands and admin car
I like it:)
I like it!


User Off Offline

Ok it's nice.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 07.06.12 12:34:37 pm


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My origins will always be private information, but I'm happy to tell you that my nationality is not Russian (neither Ukrainian/Belarusian).


User Off Offline

Ok, let's kill the reds before the nuclear war starts.
Seriously, stop taking about nationalities.
edited 1×, last 09.11.11 06:10:15 pm


Super User Off Offline

@user Yates: so russian hate russians? Good reason to ignore him... from now.

@user Yates: We got reasons to hate turks: cheating on server, ping higner than 1000, noob uploads of maps in german section for scripts. I`m like only few players of `em

@user if: I`m respect your job, but not like it. To much of it

@user Rax: Rax +1

@user Apache uwu: +1


User Off Offline

u from england, i know it, and you hate europeans
erm, GB not part of Europe?
Nazis hate Jews, not Turkish.
Nazis hate all.
He's from Russia.


User Off Offline

Cool i will test it for now
to see how it fit in the map
I like it!


Reviewer Off Offline

Rax has written
@user oxytamine: u from england, i know it, and you hate europeans and turkeys. you nazi.

He's from Russia. And I hate Turkish, doesn't make me a Nazi. It makes me part of the Anti-Turk squad.

Btw, Nazis hate Jews, not Turkish.


User Off Offline

@user oxytamine: u from england, i know it, and you hate europeans and turkeys. you nazi.

@user if: we tired of role play sctipts, prepare for unliking if u upload one of them.
I like it!


User Off Offline

why you used Misho's map the map isn't for share its running with u6 role play


Apache uwu
User Off Offline

Sorry I don't like it Map&Ideas are fine, but the script needs to be more efficient


Super User Off Offline

@user if: you right, but idea is too old. And you must be a genius to create NEW and unstandart Role Play script


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@user EngiN33R:
Well, for the new rating system, I count the files with many "likes" as good.If it is really not popular I will not upload anymore role play script(Which is point less because I won't make another one anyway.)

@user SeekRin:
Sorry, but this is not the script I used on my server.


Moderator Off Offline

@user if: I understand saying 'good' you imply 'well rated'? Well, let me disappoint you, but good =/= well rated. Half or 2/3 of the good rates are people that have little to no mental abilities (example - commenter below) and rate good 'just becouse it roleplaying'. On the other hand, when you see the reaction of the remaining 1/3, you'll find that since the first roleplay uploaded onto here their reaction worsened every time.

old Tomaznp

User Off Offline

IF Min Menber You Clan Good You Script
I like it!
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